Friday, 11 October 2013

Why Pile Up Those Insecurities?

We humans, time and again apprehend of being incomplete, and tend to seek the unending acquisition of abundant knowledge and experience; too often holding onto the prognostic action and belief.

As we wedge our way to the path of life, very often we tend to analyse our verdict. Some will generalize, some rationalize, and some will find ways to justify their intelligence; whether or not the thought holds any relevance in the present; forgetting the sequence of time.

Some perhaps might hold on to their past, regretting to what they have done, rather than getting experience, alright. Doesn't the life demand a simple cycle of being happy, happy, and happy in the three tense of time?

As a child we notice, happiness and security seemed to constitute life forever. However, as we evolve in time, the keys ingredients appear to be half the story. With the senses maturing our need for love, attention, pride, prestige, reverence, money, identity also sprouts along curving all its way to insecurity.

Insecure about love, insecure about money, insecure about position, prestige, religion all seem to shape up our life without a pinch of realization—these are merely the tricks of the illusive world we create around us.

Deep inside, the facts are known; nevertheless we tend to elude ourselves with a mere excuse of being human or humanness. Perhaps being a social animal we tend to customize our thoughts and be judgmental as we dislike being dejected.

The solution I suggest would be— the problem is not people, the problem is within us. I believe the problem is congenital as we are taught by our parents to consider all options and be realistic, making us more inclined to the negative scenarios.

But I would say— our thoughts create our reality and insecurities. It is alright to be what you are and once you realize it, the people around you will think its okay, too.

Be happy always !!

Cheers J

Monday, 7 October 2013

Is Merely Seeing, Believing?

Real or Illusion
Is This Real?

Do we see to what we believe or believe to what we see? Sounds confusing indeed; let me make it straight—inadvertently, we do the former, because if we could we would never believe to the extent we can perceive. Hence, seeing is not believing, it is just seeing.

The object or matter we come across is a mere reflection of what the brain intends to engulf. Things here could be a bit puzzling; however, I would say—our intellect is prejudiced. We limit our thoughts, forgetting there are n-dimensions through which it ventures.

 With few easy tricks we can temper with the sense of taste e.g., by changing the colour of the food and drinks, likewise, what we see can actually change the way we hear.

My recent research through Youtube give me an insight of an experiment performed by a psychologist Prof. Lawrence Rosenblum ,from the University of California on how the brain can be decepted in a matter of moments.

Check This Video

This video has left me awestruck and compels me to think, what if the world we live in is very much alike. 
What if the things of beauty, the things we strive to achieve is merely an illusion, an illusion of the mind that really does not exist. 

Perhaps, we are so much captivated with the illusion of three-dimensional world that the existence of the n-dimensions seems futile. Is it the viscous wheel of life that is endowed with birth or do we drag ourselves as a spoke or are we the real hamsters stuck in the wheel?

Life actually isn’t the way it looks, it is endless, it is aeon; we confine our thoughts in a closet with keys within us. There are endless discoveries yet to be made about life. This is just the beginning

Monday, 23 September 2013

Why are women gullible?

Women have always been a figment of men’s imagination. Our poets and authors have very well curved a niche to represent her-- beauty, talent, and godliness and with no doubt expressed it immaculately.

This reminds me of a saying now “A piece of beauty is a joy forever”. Does this “piece of beauty” make women more vulnerable to men? We know women loved to be pampered, protected, and have someone to rely on till the end; aren't these providing borderline to their own survival? They are submitting more to the ever dominating male species to solve their problems and to give them a sense of security.

Swami Vivekananda once said—“Who are you to solve women's problems? Are you the God that you should rule over every widow and every woman? Hands off! They will solve their own problems”.

I was quite impressed to what Swami ji said, he wanted women to be more independent, to do things more themselves, it is more of the brain power that you need rather than the muscles.

Now let me just put a question— 1) Do men take advantage of women?
                                                   2) Do women give advantage to men?
The questions are controversial. However, we know it always takes two to quarrel. Men out there of course take an undo advantage of women be it by physical dominance or by sex.  My question is why women at that time like to be treated the way?

Do they really have to bear the pain?

What are they scared of?

Why they pretend to be an effing little fragile teddy bear?

People will come out with numerous answers /solution to it, yet the domestic violence, rapes, and indifferences never seize to exist.

With the old Indian Tradition of “Pati being a Permeshwar” and the society demoralizing women for any achievement, triggers a lot of incompetence in behavour among women; as a result in the battle of the sexes women could be a very fickle competitor. At times she might compete the rat race, but at the end let the opposite sex win, perhaps the fruits she thinks is not what she desires.

Silly isn’t?

I would conclude my blog by saying a woman who comes out to the world should be well prepared to battle it, to save her honour and dignity because at the end if you cannot help yourself nobody can.


All The Best !!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

An Experiment with Gratitude.

How often are we grateful to the world around us? Not much I guess....

As a child we were taught to thank— people, circumstances, and the Lord; perhaps the reason being a simple courtesy. However, the courtesy fades with time, we forget the most crucial need of the hour—“Gratitude”. Why?

We cry, we crib, we squabble on things we don’t have; but have we ever felt miraculous of the things we have? Very few indeed!

The Universe is abundant, rich with resources we’ll ever need. Nevertheless, the need becomes endless and we forget--we are abundant. I remember a quote, I read in Quran—
“Gratitude for the abundance we have is the best insurance that the abundance will continue”

Gratitude changes life, trust me!  Gratifying gave me abundance; in the midst of a difficult situation we always find a bit to be thankful about; find one, the second follows and so on all by itself and thus we are abundant again.

I always wanted to live as a kid, full of fun and profusion. We always had an imaginary friend we believed, played with it, we even had conversation back then. Life wasn't as controversial as it seems now. That’s because somewhere, somehow a bit of gratitude peek-a-booed through our desires.

Gratitude has always been the key to all the ailments we have. It does not really matter—“If a glass is half empty or half full, be grateful that you have a glass half filled with water and air”.

Feel gratitude from the core, the more you do it, the more love you create and with love comes abundance in life.

Try this simple experiment today— Call up someone, perhaps an important person in your life. Try (make a note--optional) thanking the person from heart for what he/she has done for you  
You won’t believe the remarkable experience you will get. I tried it--felt blessed. You should try it too. Best of your luck!

It’s time to get back to my burrow; I will be back with some more of my experience.

Thank You!

Cheers J

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Happiness and You!

How far we go to find what we need? The path is incessant. There are numerous ways people define to be happy; in fact every individual has his/her own ways. However, the most general definition is – A state of mind which makes us content.

Come to think of it, do we really do things to make ourselves happy or feel content? 

Why the chase never ends?

Why do we look for something we are capable of getting instantly?

We humans are the most bizarre creature, mind it! And trust me, our intelligence play most of the trick.
The biggest dilemma of being happy is finding happiness in others and not within us. We tend to chase happiness forgetting merely to choose it. We forget -- we are the source of Universe.

Happiness in us does not depend on the approval, acceptance or opinion of others. We are not responsible for keeping anybody happy we are solely responsible for our happiness.

We often hear people say “I am happy, if you are happy”. Do you really think happiness is conditional? 

Being happy seeing someone brings happiness; however being happy because of someone’s happiness brings sorrow.In other words, we should be the reason for someone’s happiness not the cause of it. Being the cause brings misery.

The fastest route to find happiness is to stop searching happiness and to start being happy.

Friday, 16 August 2013

The Enigma Of Love !

"Love" a four letter word, sound quite simple; but to my surprise, this four letter word was intense. It practically rules the world and keeps it going. The enigma of love is yet another mystery to mankind to be solved.

Being a kid, I have always loved movies specially the ones with happy ending, however a question keeps luring my mind "Do they really live happily ever after?" Does every Sleeping Beauty gets her Prince Charming? Since childhood i have always been fascinated about love and what it means.

Shakespeare said "Journeys end at lover's meet" he also said "Love is Blind", I say "Love is loving without consequence". an extraordinary thought isn't it? In fact the words we use to define Love all seems to be so true, its sheer power alters and defines life every moment.

My encounter with Love was amazing and has indeed changed me for good. I will share my love story some other time. However, I would love to share what I learnt of it. Love is everywhere, love is what we do, love is what our passion is, love is what we are, love is the air we breathe. Love is loving "YOU"; my blog here aint be enough to describe it. You just need to feel it, Love is all about feeling good.

Crazy isn't it? As bizzare as it sounds it is true -- love is the space that occupies the universe, love is everything, love is God.

Speaking of God I remember reading about Shri Krishna's eternal Love. It is quite strange to know that Radha and Krishna din't marry?

Here the normal psychology of people would be "Love is the union of two". However Krishna was married to Rukmani and several other princess but why is Radha considered an eternal lover? Many questions come up and the concept of love changes. Does that mean Krishna never loved his wives? or perhaps there are things we aren't aware.

My emphatic nature and the quest of love took me to Northern Kolkata, where I leant a story of Krishna, here it goes -- Once Krishna had a headache, which was unbearable. His utmost disciple Narad Muni came over to diagnose him. On this the mysterious Krishna said "Only the dust of the feet of my utmost lover can cure me". hearing this, Rukmani and Narad were both stunned, to how could they give the dust of their feet to Krishna, they love, they were scared of going to hell. Meanwhile, back there at Vrindavan when the news of Krishna's illness reached Radha, she stood firm to give the dust without the scare of hell.

I was bewildered, yet enlightened with a new dimension of love -- the endless enigma in life that exist in us and the perfection we seek in the already perfect world.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The Spark is All You Need !

We all tend to fall in Love at some point in time, it is easy though and one of the most beautiful thing on earth; but nurturing takes the most part of it, difficult, yet never impossible. The initial phase of the relation seems to go on well. However, with time the flame fade away. Responsibilities, hectic life style, and lack of quality time all seems be the villian ; nevertheless a little spark can work wonders and make life beautiful.

Check out few of the expert tips that can help-

-- Acknowledge your partner. Find time to speak, share everyday experience, try involving both in taking decision, coz life is not about being dependent on each other, it’s about supporting each other. A well communicated couple is sure to understand each other well and find the true need of each other in both of their lives.

-- In a relation, it is not always about “Me”, it is more about “Us”. Understanding each other’s need plays a crucial role to sustain a relation. Give each other enough space to express one self. A bit of compromising won’t hurt, I believe. Respecting each other’s needs foster relationship and keeps the flame alive forever.

--With the hectic lifestyle we often tend to miss the importance of intimacy in life as it definitely plays a crucial role in adding the spark you need in a relation. Experiment, with mutual consent, try knowing your partner. It not only helps you connect emotionally, but also helps you explore your partnership. Life's beautiful and finding the beauty in each other be it any way is what any relationship demands.

-- Go on a shot trip on weekends or perhaps on a long vacation ones a while with your partner from the hustle and bustle of the city and rediscover yourself. It is specially important for the urban population where both the partners are working. It helps in a great deal to understand a relationship. Making multiple honeymoon trips isn't too bad. Exploring the world and experiencing the good and bad times together helps you make a move towards a never ending relation.

-- In our society, there is common notion to stop taking care of oneself and give the entire time to the family after getting hitched. Well, what I can say in this is that a well groomed partner can groom up the entire life keeping it look fresh. Nobody likes stale food isn't it? Grooming gives you the ultimate confidence you need to carry on!!

I am quite sure this will definitely help you out in leading a healthy, sparky  life!  Cheers! :)