Saturday 14 September 2013

Happiness and You!

How far we go to find what we need? The path is incessant. There are numerous ways people define to be happy; in fact every individual has his/her own ways. However, the most general definition is – A state of mind which makes us content.

Come to think of it, do we really do things to make ourselves happy or feel content? 

Why the chase never ends?

Why do we look for something we are capable of getting instantly?

We humans are the most bizarre creature, mind it! And trust me, our intelligence play most of the trick.
The biggest dilemma of being happy is finding happiness in others and not within us. We tend to chase happiness forgetting merely to choose it. We forget -- we are the source of Universe.

Happiness in us does not depend on the approval, acceptance or opinion of others. We are not responsible for keeping anybody happy we are solely responsible for our happiness.

We often hear people say “I am happy, if you are happy”. Do you really think happiness is conditional? 

Being happy seeing someone brings happiness; however being happy because of someone’s happiness brings sorrow.In other words, we should be the reason for someone’s happiness not the cause of it. Being the cause brings misery.

The fastest route to find happiness is to stop searching happiness and to start being happy.