Wednesday 25 March 2015

Let it be my way!

Tried adhering to the norms that define existence-- With a common notion of one being born wild, the society passes a bill of self-improvement on all. 

The game starts when the child barely learns to engage with the words spoken. Do this, do that-- Is this what you define what it should be? the charade carries on with the promise of rewards and honours, followed by the experience of the heaven only money can buy, juxtaposed with it, is the innocence of the child who doesn't care what the play is. He is muddled in his own existence, and there comes all to his rescue, to define the purpose, often which made little or no sense. 

The child is then compelled to learn to label, grade, and judge everything on his way. He is lost somewhere deep in the formula of being a gentleman from the savage. The idea of the self, flips over the context of self-improvement, without knowing that we can't do anything to get better than what we are. 

This might come to you as a relief; however the biggest irony would be -- we involve ourself in the process of self-improvement to make earth a better place to live, and be in service to people in need, creating more chaos than ever existed--dreadful ideas indeed!

The only way to realise the journey to self and improving the world is to know,
it is so. It is 'what is'. Being an observer helps, watch what happens, watch what you do. Your own nature will start taking care of itself because you are not obstructing its course. And one must not forget that the best creation always comes from a crazy mind.