Saturday 21 March 2015

Dweller on the Threshold !!

At a point when you realise, you depict all the persona in the parable you come across in the everyday experience, the term 'infinite self' draws attention. Finding self in the midst of infinite possibility, appears challenging when you know it leads nowhere.

There could be the bombardment of doubts from all forces at play.The doubt of who I am, the doubt of the purpose of being.

That's when the quest of finding answers begin-- through different roleplays-- the role of a father, a mother, a friend, a lover, a teacher, a protector,(the list could be endless) each role tries to achieve the zenith of perfection where the experience of heaven could be made. Never realising what heaven is, what are we running after-- 'being perfect in every instance', Is this the definition of heaven? If so, then achieving it is like -- dragging one to hell. Where there is nothing more to experience nor any wisdom to earn or to preach
The soul-purpose of duality of  good and bad, day and night rest here. Every sunny day is the result of a stormy night, and every rainy day precedes the beautiful moonlit night. The cycle seems endless and is the cognition of reasoning.

Like a magnet where the two poles can never fall apart, the duality in life is what keeps it moving and where every moment  counts. Being just a spectator and flowing with the course helps, because the moment you become the monkey to help the fish from drowning-- the good becomes the evil and you are engulfed into the never-ending charade of the cycle of events that follow.