We humans, time and again apprehend of being incomplete, and
tend to seek the unending acquisition of abundant knowledge and experience; too
often holding onto the prognostic action and belief.
As we wedge our way to the path of life, very often we tend
to analyse our verdict. Some will generalize, some rationalize, and some will
find ways to justify their intelligence; whether or not the thought holds any
relevance in the present; forgetting the sequence of time.
Some perhaps might hold on to their past, regretting to what
they have done, rather than getting experience, alright. Doesn't the life
demand a simple cycle of being happy, happy, and happy in the three tense of time?
As a child we notice, happiness and security seemed to
constitute life forever. However, as we evolve in time, the keys ingredients appear
to be half the story. With the senses
maturing our need for love, attention, pride, prestige, reverence, money,
identity also sprouts along curving all its way to insecurity.

Deep inside, the facts are known; nevertheless we tend to elude
ourselves with a mere excuse of being human or humanness. Perhaps being a
social animal we tend to customize our thoughts and be judgmental as we dislike being dejected.
The solution I suggest would be— the problem is not people, the problem is within us. I believe the problem
is congenital as we are taught by our parents to consider all options and be
realistic, making us more inclined to the negative scenarios.
But I would say— our
thoughts create our reality and insecurities. It is alright to be what you are and
once you realize it, the people around you will think its okay, too.
Be happy always !!
Cheers J