Sunday 6 September 2015

A Walk Down the Memory Lane!

She was mesmerizing! Oooh!! The first sight, it took my breath away-- it wasn't anticipated, vibrant eyes, she was all full of glory, beautiful as a woman should be; she cohered well with the moment. She had all the qualities of a woman; she was complete in her conviction. She had no desire, she was accomplished, yet a subtle indecisiveness hurled at the back of her mind.

Nevertheless, she excelled in her hospitality. She knew what it was all about, the eyes spoke the tale of the known, but the search went for the unknown. And Bingo! I loved that, she displayed an array of emotion; a little prejudiced at times, yet something you wouldn’t say so harmful. She narrated the tale of her life; I gave all my ears, yet being a little skeptical. Anyways it wasn’t harming me—she was an individual of varied identity. 

There was a little hesitation in the beginning, yet the sweetness prevailed, a little judgmental, but that’s alright, after all she’s a human, couldn’t expect a superwoman.

However, under all these, there was a certain uncanny affection, and yes, this experience was certainly new and ding-ding there rings the bell. She spoke sense— bundle of emotion with a couple of tragic and forbidden past. It was like she was on a constant rage of war with self and the people around, trying to hide around the four corner of her cosy low-light room. 
Her tale was attention-grabbing and in complete silence, I listened (someone with ADD, pun intended, listening becomes a task uncalled for). She was definitely one among the untamed lot as if she was living in her past addiction. 

Little did she open her heart, she spoke about everything on earth, and especially the topics I was interested. I could realise, she lived a hundred lives and travelled through time and I was just the next station she was trying to take a halt. Do I need to reopen the station, or keep it barren? Or let her decide the course of action. Sssshhhh! Silence, she went into a deep trance of her narration. And I fathomed deep into her eyes 

I guess, I have fallen for the eyes… Oops ! My bad.. Going back to the memory lane..