Friday 30 May 2014

Mirage! That's all it.

There is restlessness all around! We are on a verge to prove who we are— some follow the path dictated for generations, some mould their way to the unknown leaving behind insecurities. 

The former leads a life in symbiosis, yet there is an unusual agitation that keeps rolling in mind— the urge to stand up to expectation, the urge to gift smile, the urge to protect, and the urge to be a role model, all seems to stack up the burden of being.

Knowingly or unknowingly we fathom into the web of entanglement; nevertheless, the mind peek-a-boos through the void created through the conflict between the soul and the projection of the world around—like the song of a cage bird, where things are known but longed for still.

The conflicting mind shoves us towards the goal without knowing—what the goal is? Where do we strive to reach? Is it the illusion of “we” around us or is it the insecure “I” that we contemplate?

The world syncs with every thought we are tuned in, every event in life stems from nothingness; every soul is the benefactor of its being. With the veil of insecurities removed, the need of expectation and attachment practically fades.

You are no longer under the spell of proving yourself— in fact, there is nothing to prove, every circumstances alongside consciousness flows relentlessly in your favor, because you provide life the life you behold and it cannot work against you.

May peace reign supreme!

Tuesday 28 January 2014

The Mysterious Parody of Love

Living behind the curtains of thought; the answers I seek from You will always remain a mystery. Your presence made me manipulate every bit of me to suit you.
Was I wrong?
Somehow, somewhere I lost my real self, clenched on to you, and finally tripped. Was it the fate or a lesson I needed explicitly?

The thought did cross my mind -- Whether I choose a faulty book to study Love or just a stupid whim for being alone?
Nevertheless, whatever I choose, the fate has to be right.

Unfurling the memories down the lane, there were times when our candour conversation was followed by a stretch of love making and knowing each other more intimately. Followed by a stretch of silence, the heart pounding, the whispering notes of the breathe and the aura of love filling the periphery.

The lights were dim, the eyes sparkled in the dark, the arms held tight melting its way all along as a wave fading its vigor reaching the shore.

The experience was somewhat to die for. Conjecturing my thought, the feeling was mutual and consensual. Ohh !! what a thought !!!

Shakespeare once said "Life is a theater and every individual in your life has a specific role to play", and your role in my life was undoubtedly spontaneous.

And yes, I know -- the life goes on.... however, the memory lingers on and on...

and the parody of love continues.......